The thesis discussed the application of crystal chemistrys theory and method in pharmaceutical investigation with the newest discovering of crystal chemistry in recent years. 本文结合晶体化学近年来的最新研究进展,对晶体化学的理论和方法在药物研究中的应用,进行了初步的探讨和综述。
On the basis of crystal structure and crystal chemistry theory, according to the crystal cell parameters, the atomic arrangement of calcite, etc. 从晶体化学、晶体结构的角度,根据方解石的晶胞参数、晶体内原子排列的特点等,提出了方解石最小颗粒的假设。
Study on Crystal Chemistry and Spectra of Feldspar from Zhoukoudian Granodiorite 周口店花岗闪长岩中斜长石晶体化学及谱学特征研究
The crystal chemistry of uranyl minerals and synthetic compounds has received considerable attention recently, owing to the importance of these phases in the environment. 近年来,铀酰矿物和合成化合物的晶体化学也得到了较大的重视。
To calculate the thermal expansion coefficients of minerals in a wide range, the minerals should be classified according to their crystal chemistry properties. 在分类的基础上,把晶体化学方法和理论计算方法有效地结合起来。
Considering the theories of quantum and crystal chemistry, discuss the theories, structure and applications of some instruments. 由量子化学及结晶化学等理论为基础,讨论一些分析仪器的原理,构造及应用。
Mineral Crystal Chemistry& Applications 矿物晶体化学及应用
Flotation and Surface Characteristics of some Silicate Minerals and its Crystal Chemistry Analysis 几种硅酸盐矿物晶体化学与浮选表面特性研究
Some megacryst Clinopyroxenes from alkali basalt& ⅰ: crystal structure and crystal chemistry 碱性玄武岩中的某些巨晶单斜辉石&Ⅰ:晶体结构和晶体化学
Site-Directed and In-situ Dating Microbeam Techniques and Crystal Chemistry Microanalysis for U-Th-Pb Bearing Accesory Minerals U-Th-Pb副矿物的原地原位测年微束分析方法比较与微区晶体化学研究
This is explained by using the basic theory of crystal chemistry and solid chemistry. 对此,用晶体化学和固体化学的基本理论进行了解释。
Through an analysis of crystal chemistry and sintered mechanism for PFW. it has been shown that addition of PFW to PZN can decreases or suppresses the formation of pyrochlore phase. 通过对PFW结晶化学和烧结机理的分析,证明在PZN中添加PFW能减少或抑制焦录石的形成。
Crystal chemistry and block design of cuprate superconductors 高Tc铜氧化物超导体的结晶化学和分块设计
Therefore, study on apatite crystal chemistry and mineralogical spectroscopy has both scientific significance and application values. 因此,对磷灰石晶体化学、矿物谱学特征的深入研究既具有深远的科学意义,又有着很大的应用价值。
Crystal Chemistry of Ln-Sb-S Ternary Compounds& Synthesis and Structure Ln-Sb-S三元化合物的结晶化学&合成与结构
From the viewpoint of crystal chemistry, the selective comminution mechanism is discussed by applying partical layer comminution theory. 文中从晶体化学的角度,应用料层粉碎理论,探讨选择性粉碎机理。
Based on a systematic summary of research results available on typomorphic characteristics of zircon crystal form, this paper makes an approach to crystal growth mechanism of typomorphic characteristics of zircon with the help of theories of crystal growth, crystal chemistry and geochemistry. 本文在系统总结归纳不同研究者对锆石形态标型特征的研究成果基础上,重点从晶体生长、晶体化学和地球化学理论为重点探讨了锆石形态标型特征的生长机制。
It is determined by the atomic structure, crystal chemistry, electrochemistry and their combination of the metallogenic elements, the activity of the metallogenic elements in the hydrothermal and the stable energy of crystal field. 是由成矿元素的原子结构、晶体化学、电化学及其结合规律、成矿元素在热液中的活动性和晶体场稳定能决定;
On the bases of analysis of crystal chemistry reaction of low-grade refractory iron ore in reduction process, the effect of reduction temperature on coalescence growth of iron crystalline grain and separation of slag and iron was investigated. 本文在分析了低品位难选铁矿在还原过程中的结晶化学反应的基础上,研究了还原温度对铁晶粒的兼并长大和渣铁分离的影响。
Significance of crystal chemistry basic principle used in flotation separation 晶体化学基本原理在浮选分离中的意义
Crystal Chemistry and Spectroscopic Properties for Transition Metal-Doped LiNbO_3 掺杂过渡金属LiNbO3的晶体化学和光谱性质
Study of Crystal Chemistry on a Series of Spiropyran Compounds 螺吡喃系列化合物的晶体化学研究
Flotation crystal chemistry principles and solution chemistry or physical chemistry principles of silicate minerals are emphatically discussed. 着重论述了硅酸盐矿物浮选的晶体化学原理和硅酸盐矿物浮选的溶液化学和物理化学原理。
Relationship of Tourmaline Flotability with Crystal Chemistry 电气石可浮性与晶体化学关系的研究
In this thesis, a systematic crystal chemistry study of the effects of molecule structure on properties, which include the effects of configuration, resonance effect, planarity of molecule and intermolecular interaction, was carried but. 我们对这些化合物进行了系统的计算、分析和比较,从晶体化学的角度系统的研究了这几类化合物的构型、共振效应、分子平面性及分子间相互作用。
Phase relations in and crystal chemistry of the li ( mg, Zn, ni) vanadate system Li-(Mg、Zn、Ni)钒酸盐三元体系相关系和结晶化学
The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of a new mineral, pengzhizhongite-6h 新矿物彭志忠石-6H的晶体结构和晶体化学研究
Crystal Chemistry and Geochemistry of Thallium Minerals 铊矿物晶体化学和地球化学
Recently, this area has become one of the most active studies of inorganic chemistry, crystal chemistry and material chemistry. 目前,这一领域已经成为无机化学、晶体化学和材料化学等学科的前沿课题。